Sport Pixx Sport Photography.
Perth.Western Australia.
2014 Quit Targa West Tarmac Rally
Perth.Western Australia.
14th - 17th August '14
Quit Targa West Tarmac Rally.
Day 1 Stages.
Whiteman Park.
Malaga Night Stage.
Quit Targa West Tarmac Rally.
Day 2 Stages.
Zig Zag
Kalamunda - Mundowring
Quit Targa West Tarmac Rally.
Day 3 Stages.
Toodjay Racecourse
Toodjay Special Stage.
Quit Targa West Tarmac Rally.
Day 4 Stages.
City of Perth
These images of the 2014 Quit Targa West Tarmac rally were taken over the
4 days of the Competition in and around Perth.WA..