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Sport Pixx Sport Photography.

Perth.Western Australia.

         The Northam Flyin’ 50 is a regularity event  held around the streets of the Northam CBD each year and has been held since the first event back in April 15 1952 ,the event is run by the Vintage Sporting Car Club of WA in conjunction with the Shire of Northam ,the Northam Organising group .With over 300 volunteers and Officials working at the event,the CBD on Saturday night is transformed from a town centre with roundabouts and signs to a barricaded street circiut,by early Sunday morning most of the transformation has happened due to the team of organised volunteers that drive forklifts ,the Semi trailers unloading Barricades and fencing and placing them around the street circiut.Once this is done then the Motorsport Australia officials do a walk around to check that the circiut meets regulations for the event.After this happens then there’s the Officials/Flaggie briefings followed by the Drivers briefing by the Clerk of Course ,then the flag drops and drivers are let loose around the circiut for the 20 race events.There are only 2 events held like this in Australia ,one is here at Northam.WA and the other is held at Albany,WA on the June long weekend . 

If your car isn't in the slide show let me know and I'll send you some thumbnails ,if you'd like to buy a digital image/print or a proofsheet send me an email sportpixx@hotmail.com, with the image number that's under the image in the slideshow.

Please note that these images are protected by copyright ,if you wish to use these images for a race review , that's ok ,as long as you leave my watermark on ,if you'd like a media size image without a watermark its $5.00

Camera's only take what they see.

The ELS Mechanical Northam Motor Sports Festival

VSCCWA presents the

Bendigo Bank Northam Flyin 50


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